Jordan looks ahead to brighter building career after SEH French placement


A young person looking to rebuild his career has been full of praise for SEH French after completing work experience with us via a local social enterprise.

Jordan joined the team for two weeks in June through Lofty Heights CIC, a social enterprise supporting vulnerable people with housing and employment support.

His arrival came after we offered site visits and employability sessions to young people at Lofty Heights, including mock interviews with our senior staff.

Jordan, who had previously worked for another building firm before experiencing a change of circumstance, said the experience was a great first step in his return to the world of work.

He said: “This was a 10 out of 10 experience for me.

“I picked up so much useful experience I will be able to use in the future, from time spent on site to the day I spent shadowing a plumber.

“My favourite thing though was feeling part of the team. Everyone treated me like a member of staff and made me feel welcome.

“It is definitely going to help me develop and progress further in the industry.”

Corporate social responsibility is something we’re hugely passionate about here at SEH French – and playing our part in inspiring the next generation of construction workers plays a big part in that.

Simon Girling, Director of SEH French, said: “It was an absolute pleasure to have Jordan with us – he quickly became a real member of the team.

“All of us were impressed by his passion for the industry, which translated into the skills he displayed out on site.

“We know he will have a very rich future in the industry and we wish him all the best as he continues his development and return to the world of work.”

Jon Spraggons, Construction Tutor at Lofty Heights, added: “Thank you so much to Simon, Neil and Peter for giving this opportunity to Jordan.

“This is invaluable for what we aim to achieve at the Lofty Heights skills academy, as it allows our students who are considering the construction industry to get real life experience on an actual site.

“Jordan was so excited to be given the opportunity and from speaking with him since, he has massively benefited from this. He is now even more eager to get into the construction trade and back on site.

“Thank you so much for this opportunity, and we look forward to working with SEH French further in the future.”

If you’re looking for work experience opportunities and would like to learn how SEH French can help you take your first steps in the world of construction, click here.